超级英雄 在线版

Champions Online

运营商: Perfect World Entertainment
发售日期: 2011年06月14日
超级英雄在线版将史诗般的英雄主义带回了MMORPG类型,深度挑战最有经验的在线游戏玩家,同时它的快节奏的动作让新进入者沉浸在超级英雄在线版的宇宙中。加入辩护人和传奇的冠军,阻止毁灭博士和他的手下在正义与邪恶的终极对决中。主要特点:免费游戏:玩一种不需要花费的triplea MMO体验。从1级到40级的免费游戏!没有盒子价格,也没有强制订阅。当你喜欢的时候,在网上享受冠军。完全定制:从数千件不同的服装、颜色和体型中选择,创造出你的角色独一无二的外观。有数十亿种可能的组合,甚至在一个充满神奇和难忘的宇宙中,你也可以是独一无二的!保持你的敌人接近:每个英雄都必须有一个大敌。设计你的角色的最高对手,在他或她的职业生涯中选择一个超级敌人的名字,力量和服装来打败你的英雄。无尽的探索:在世界范围内对抗邪恶的战争,并进入不同的维度。没有其他的MMO为玩家提供了探索如此多样的领域的机会——从千年城闪亮的摩天大楼和加拿大的冰冻垃圾到隐藏的水下城市利莫里亚(Lemuria),这个神秘的神秘维度被称为qlipho,以及饱受折磨的维博拉湾(Vibora Bay)。邪恶最邪恶:战斗超级恶棍,外星人,巨大的怪物和秘密,邪恶的组织。*正在启动征服世界的新计划。蝮蛇潜伏在黑暗中,伺机攻击人类。古代的利莫里亚人正在谋划重新掌权。而且机械人不会停止,直到它摧毁了地球上所有的有机生命。你能阻止这些对人类的毁灭性的威胁吗?高辛烷值刺激:战斗是即时的和令人兴奋的。没有更无聊的汽车攻击和漫长的充电时间。大脑需要:在冠军线上的每一个敌人和超级力量的威胁都有其独特的能力和战斗专长。动动脑筋,不然就死定了!结交朋友,交朋友:我们的宇宙充满了成千上万的英雄,面对着成千上万的威胁。加入其他英雄,创建你自己的超级团队,并准备接受终极威胁!你的能力,你的条件:有很多惊人的力量可以选择,灵活的角色创造系统可以让你完全控制你的英雄的能力。你甚至可以选择你的力量的外观。你想要紫色的能力场吗?绿色的火灾爆炸?乌黑的爪子?你决定!更大更好:战胜邪恶和你的成功将会得到奖励,以增强你的力量和能力。然后根据你心目中的英雄形象和能力自定义这些奖励的外观!让你的标记:所有这些都在一个不断变化的、不断变化的故事中:将坏人击败。英雄兴衰。城市更替。你的行动可能决定未来! Champions Online brings epic heroism back to the MMORPG genre with depth that challenges the most experienced online gamers, while its fast-paced action engages new entrants to the online superhero universe. Join Defender and the legendary Champions to stop Dr. Destroyer and his minions in the ultimate showdown between good and evil. Key features: Free-to-Play: Play a triple-A MMO experience without cost. Play from level 1 to 40 free of charge! There is no box price and no mandatory subscription. Enjoy Champions Online as you like, when you like. Total Customization: Choose from thousands of different costume pieces, colors and body types to create your character's one-of-a-kind look. There are billions of possible combinations, and even in a universe brimming with the fantastic and the unforgettable, you can be completely unique! Keep Your Enemies Close: Every hero must have an archenemy. Design your character's supreme adversary, choosing a name, powers and costume for a superpowered foe to bedevil your hero throughout his or her career. Endless Exploration: The battle against evil rages across the world and into alternate dimensions. No other MMO offers players the chance to explore such diverse realms — from the shining skyscrapers of Millennium City and the frozen wastes of Canada to the hidden underwater city of Lemuria, the foul mystical dimension known as Qliphothic, and the tormented Vibora Bay. Evil Most Foul: Battle supervillains, aliens, giant monsters and secret, sinister organizations. Doctor Destroyer is launching new plans to conquer the world. VIPER lurks in the shadows, seeking chances to strike at humanity. The ancient Lemurians are plotting a return to power. And Mechanon won't stop until it has wiped all organic life from the planet. Can you stop these heinous threats to humanity? Hi-Octane Excitement: Combat is instantaneous and electrifying. No more boring auto attacks and lengthy recharge times. Brains Required: Every enemy and super-powered threat in Champions Online has its own unique abilities and combat specialties. Use your head or wind up dead! Bring Friends, Make Friends: Our universe is jam-packed with thousands of heroes, facing thousands of threats. Join up with other heroes, create your own super group, and prepare to take on the ultimate threats! Your Powers, Your Terms: There is a multitude of astonishing powers to choose from and the flexible character creation system gives you total control over your hero's abilities. You can even pick the appearance of your powers. Do you want purple force fields? Green fire blasts? Jet black claws? You decide! Bigger and Better: Vanquish evil and your successes will be rewarded with costume pieces to enhance your powers and abilities. Then customize the appearance of those rewards to your vision of your hero's look and abilities! Make Your Mark: All this within a constantly changing, continually evolving story: Villains are defeated. Heroes rise and fall. Cities transform. Your actions may decide the future!


