BOTOLO是一款美丽的全新多人游戏,来自The Floor is果冻创作者Ian Snyder。 BOTOLO是一个快节奏的脑力阅读竞赛,是对手思想之间消极空间内的一场舞蹈。 介意让你的对手在模式和颜色的催眠领域内屈服。 在这种混合型比赛中,偷球和保护它免受对手的冲击。
No friends? No problem. BOTOLO has built-in, state-of-the-art friend simulations! Granted, these incredible programs might not appreciate the simple beauty of a sunset, or lend you a reassuring hug in a time of need, but they DO adapt to your playstyle mid-match, which is almost as good.