In 2088, Nazi Muslims achieved great success in the field of chemical weapons and not to fall into captivity and fight even after death with the infidels, they created a serum that turned them into zombies. But not everything is as simple as it seems. In addition to the increased desire to kill, they also had some other strange desires.<br><br>Also, from time to time, they tortured these weapons with loli, which turned into different monsters. But there is a way out: collect both sick and healthy loli to take them to a medical center in Tibet. Destroy the zombies of the Nazis and find a way out of this hell, which consists of traps and labyrinths.<br><br><strong><h2 class="bb_tag">Features:</h2></strong><br><br>- Ability to kill zombie-minded Nazi Muslims;<br><br>- Save healthy loli and cure patients;<br><br>- Become the hero of this strange war;<br><br>- 6 types of weapons;<br><br>- 7 levels filled with labyrinths and traps;<br><br>- 5 species of zombie Muslim-Nazis;<h2 class="bb_tag"><strong>Control in game:</strong></h2><br>Movement - WSAD;<br><br>Open - Space;<br><br>Change weapons - Tab;<br><br>Fire - Mouse.