• Simple, super responsive touch control and in-air jumps for accurate and truly challenging platforming. Legitimately tough, never impossible.
• High replayability with multiple challenges per level — Time Attack, Macaron Collection, and Secret Kitchen Utensils are available on every stage.
• Final stages include a massive donut chase, an angry ice cream truck, and the evil king himself.
• Universal purchase and iCloud saving, so play on your iPhone, iPad and Apple TV.
17173 2016-12-08俗话说的好!不想救公主的勇士不是好厨师!非凡厨师这款游戏就是传说当中厨师会武术挡也挡不住的冒险类游戏,融合了闯关、冒险、爱情、人兽大战...当然没有的年度的大戏。超级马里奥的亲兄弟,工人阶级又一个扛把子,厨师向前冲!