观察。计划。执行。适应。在这部获奖系列的最新一章中,《狙击精英3》将玩家带到残酷的北非战场,与德国臭名昭著的非洲军团进行了野蛮的冲突。通过扭曲的峡谷、葱绿的绿洲和西部沙漠的古老城市来追踪你的目标,这是一场致命的袭击,目的是破坏*的超级武器计划,该计划可能终结盟军的良好防御。使用潜行、计划和执行来追踪你的目标——不管是人类还是机器。从远距离杀伤,到肉搏,分心和爆炸陷阱,你和远方的人一样致命。这里必须结束。你是转折点。因为一颗子弹可以改变历史……关键特征:胜利的射击游戏-体验著名的步枪弹道学的完美。考虑到距离,重力,风,甚至是你的心率,非常令人满意的第三人称的战斗。广阔的新环境——在多个主要目标和次要目标上的巨大的多路线水平,比任何顺序都能解决。千万不要用同样的方式玩两次。真正的战术-适应任何情况。使用隐形,分散,陷阱和声音掩蔽。如果事情进展顺利,利用新的潜行方法溜进阴影里,按你自己的条件重新开始狩猎。改进的人类x射线杀伤凸轮-广受欢迎的x射线杀手凸轮比以往任何时候都更加大胆,包括一个详细的肌肉层,三维网格粒子和完整的人体循环系统。新x射线车被占领——看到车辆在复杂细节上与x光车的高度分离。多阶段的破坏可以让你把装甲车、卡车和老虎坦克逐件取出。激烈的竞争对手-五种独特的在线竞争模式。在比赛中赢得奖牌和缎带。在所有游戏模式中获得XP,定制你的角色,武器和负载。成为真正的狙击精英!爆发性合作游戏-在两个玩家在线合作的游戏中进行整个战役,或者把你的团队合作到两个专门的合作模式,守望和生存。定制你的经验-老手或新手,按你的方式。关掉所有的帮助,打开AI,或者定制你喜欢的游戏风格。调整x射线杀死凸轮的规律,或将其全部关闭。额外功能支持蒸汽大图片ModeSupports立体3D +超宽屏+目镜。
Observe. Plan. Execute. ADAPT.The latest chapter in the award-winning series, SNIPER ELITE 3 takes players to the unforgiving yet exotic terrain of North Africa in a savage conflict against Germany’s infamous Afrika Korps.Stalk your targets through the twisting canyons, lush oases and ancient cities of the Western Desert in the deadly rush to sabotage a Nazi super-weapons programme that could end Allied resistance for good.Use stealth, planning and execution to hunt your targets – whether human or machine. From signature long distance kills, to melee takedowns, distractions and explosive traps, you are as deadly up close as you are from afar. It must end here. You are the turning point. Because one bullet can change history...Key FeaturesAward-winning gunplay – Experience celebrated rifle ballistics honed to perfection. Take account of distance, gravity, wind, even your heart rate for intensely satisfying third person combat. Expansive new environments – Stalk huge multi-route levels with multiple primary and secondary objectives than can be tackled in any order. Never play the same way twice.Real tactical choice – Adapt to any situation. Use stealth, distraction, traps and sound masking . If things go hot, use the new Relocate mechanic to slip into the shadows and start the hunt again on your own terms.Revamped human X-Ray Kill cam – The acclaimed X-Ray kill-cam is back and bolder than ever, including a detailed muscle layers, 3D mesh particles and the complete human circulatory system.New X-Ray vehicle takedowns – See vehicles disintegrate in intricate detail with X-Ray vehicle takedowns. Multi-stage destruction allows you to take out armoured cars, trucks and Tiger tanks piece-by-piece.Tense adversarial multiplayer – Five unique modes of online competitive action. Earn Medals and Ribbons as you play. Gain XP across all game modes, customise your character, weapons and loadout. Become a true Sniper Elite!Explosive co-op play – Play the entire campaign in two player online co-op, or put your teamwork to the ultimate test in two dedicated co-op modes, Overwatch and Survival.Customise your experience – Veteran or Rookie, play your way. Turn off all assistance and turn up the AI, or customise the experience to your preferred playstyle. Tweak the regularity of X-Ray kill cams, or turn them off all together.Extra featuresSupports Steam Big Picture ModeSupports Stereoscopic 3D + Ultra Widescreen + Eyefinity screens