冒险经理(Adventurer Manager)是BBEW BBEW, LLC 发行的一款角色扮演游戏,该款游戏采用了像素的风格,同时还加入了管理的元素,使得游戏更加多元化!
游戏讲述了一个邪恶的法师, Miraj杀害了Adventuria 国的国王,而作为王子的你不得不站出来拯救国家。你需要招募各个种族的不同冒险者,在你带领下去跟邪恶势力做战斗。游戏中你需要不断的磨练自己,让自己不断的变强大,只有这样你才能和勇者们一起铲除恶魔,拿回属于自己的一切,让自己的国家回到从前。游戏中将会有指定的任务,而你们只有完成了任务才能操控好这一切。每个冒险者都会有自己不同的优势,玩家要合理的利用他们的优点,让战斗变得更加激烈,同时游戏中还会有不同的boss在等着你的挑战呢!
研发者 Vigilant Addiction Studios
The evil Illusionist Miraj has murdered your parents, the King and Queen, and has taken control of the Kingdom of Adventuria. Playing as the King's sole heir, you must recruit local Adventurers to complete Adventures to regain the loyalty of the various races in the realm. Only through reuniting your kingdom will you have the power to defeat the evil Illusionist Miraj!FeaturesCreate Your Ruler to begin your story!Recruit Randomized Adventurers from 7 races and 13 classes each with their own bios, benefits, and drawbacks! Unlock Secret Party Bonuses by organizing your Adventurers into 4 separate parties and arranging their formation front to back! Send Your Adventurers on Adventures to over a dozen different locations on a large world map!Automatically Complete Adventures and...Manually Complete Adventures for bonus rewards!Turn-based Combat with dozens of skills and spells! Level Up your Adventurers with attribute points!Tons of Skills from unique skill trees! Endlessly Generated Loot to equip your Adventurers ranging from common, uncommon, rare, legendary, unique, and mythical items!Dozens of Monsters each with...Resistances and Weaknesses to exploit!Rare Monsters and Monster Packs each with randomized mutators!Unique Boss and Miniboss monsters to challenge your toughest Adventurers!Craft and Salvage Equipment to create the perfect equipment! Upgrade Your Castle to impart benefits to all of your Adventurers!Monster Invasions where you must defend your subjects!Gain Your Subjects' Allegiance to receive upgraded Adventurers and more!Adventurer Endurance that needs time to recover!Adventurer University where you can educate and train your Adventurers!Bestiary that tracks your Monster kills to unlock information and gain bonuses against them!Harsh Death Penalty where resurrecting your Adventurers isn't cheap!Retire your Aging Adventurers to impart fantastic benefits to younger Adventurers!Ironman Mode where when your Adventurers die, they stay dead!Achievements to track all the things!Original Retro-inspired Soundtrack to groove to!Steam Trading Cards to collect!