快节奏的多用户摩托赛车游戏是被有名的赛博朋克电影鼓舞了,创建为虚拟现实。控制强壮的量子摩托车,每个有不一样的能力,在各种独特的地点中跟其他游戏着在一起跳入虚拟死亡比赛。选择你技能并成为最伟大的量子竞技场冠军。经典轻松的摩托车游戏,具有印象深刻的特点,各种的游戏模式‘——都在你虚拟现实头盔中。避免敌人的障碍,创造自己的障碍为把你对手捉住在你的Qbike的尾巴。快速地、聪明地成为赢家。在你对手面前创造障碍就摧毁他们。为了在这个量子疯狂成功就使用摩托车竞赛场上能力放大和你摩托车强大的技能。为创造独特比赛体验使用不同的规格和游戏模式。线上多用户模式和排行榜让你潜入光子赛博朋克引人入胜的游戏在赛博朋克世界使用知名经典“贪食蛇”概念。挑战和任务完成后就成为Crypto大师!才能和能力 —— 以避免死亡,用强大的才能改进你游戏玩法时尚的视觉效果和美丽的原声音乐被音乐人才创造的。各种游戏模式 - 两种战斗模式已经可选。不断的游戏改善和社区反馈。ALL THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS UPDATED AS THINGS GO:Qbike Roadmap in Discussions (click to open)Leaderboards and Performance PointsWhile we are testing and balancing new skills, you can start practicing in earning points! When the skill set is finished, Performance Points will help you to unlock and upgrade new player abilities.Your points amount, total wins and kills scores will be added to world wide Qbike Leaderboards. We plan to upgrade and add more interesting statistics during the development. Get your scores, rise in the leaderboards and become ultimate arena champion!Challenges and MultiplicatorYou can raise your PP by performing various tricks and challenges during the race.Every time you earn 100 PP you receive 1 bar to your total power multiplicator.Every level will multiply your race score until you die. To reach next Multiplicator level you'll need to complete challenges again, but you'll receive more points accordingly to the current Multiplicator level.Current Challenges AvailableWe are going to update and expand this list during EA.The following Challenges add one Multiplicator bar:Destoying opponent's bikeRide under Arch — Sneak under Barrier Arch to get 50 pointsManeuver — gives 100 points when fast-killing opponent with your barrierAir Time — starts after one second is spent in the airDrift Time — you can achieve this by making a fast turn before the jumpClose Call — gives 50 points every moment while riding close to the opponentThe following Challenges give you bonus scores in the end and during the match:Destroying player's bike gives you 200 pointsKills in a row give you 50 on the second, 100 on the third, 150 on the 4th and so onAir Kill gives you 100 bonus pointsFirst place — 100 pointsWin without using Abilities — 100 pointsWin the match — 100 pointsNever die during the race — 100 points游戏模式:现在你可以加入游戏着两种不同的战斗比赛模式: 短线路将在一段时间后消失,因此你需要考虑更多。 长(无限)线路将在游戏着死亡后消失。地图你可选三种有不同游戏风格的地图: 单纯形(Simplex) 在一个小地区促使你致命地采取行动,这里也有几个跳跃运动员 支柱(Pillars) 是一个平坦的地图,没有障碍,对于新手是有利的。 四轴飞行器(Quadrocopter)是一个巨大的地图,有高跳跃。 适合长线路模式。舒适的选择有些人对速度变化感有敏感,所以我们为减少这个感觉调整了一下Qbike游戏。晕影 —— 启用此选项可逐渐降低你的敏感度。极度移动的时这将使你的视线两厢变得更暗。可选择三种不同的形式。坐姿 —— 你的座位正好,让你的眼前永远有摩托车车架。你随时会轻松地重新校准你的位置,使自己更舒适。相机反应 —— 可在两种模式之间切换,第一个具有固定的摄影机运动(默认)让你觉得更舒适,第二个具有自发运动摄影机,跟随你摩托车的移动(晕动病警告!)。我们继续使Qbike为每个用户更舒适, 一直在寻找新的想法。如果你有一些的话,与我们分享吧!来自有才华的音乐家的一系列乐曲等待你的光临。用这些难忘的作品打开真正的激情,也可以免费下载DLC。非常感谢以下艺术家允许了使用他们的音乐,并帮助创造这样沉浸式的体验:DJ CaileIsidorThe JudgemanMythical VigilanteOolongRetro ThunderStarmanSub MorphineCrysehdMurculaYou can find them on Soundcloud and find more info in the Soundtrack DLC. STEERING:ARCADE: