Back in 1983 Hudson Soft and Konami released Bomberman (in Europe known as Dynablaster).Hide and go boom is a modern take on that classic game. With more than one twist.Play with your friends either on split screen or over the internet.Run around in a maze, drop bombs to destroy the boxes and collect the powerups.Avoid being killed by your enemies or your own stupidity. Playing in insanity mode, the latter is harder than the former.Playing much like the original, Hide and go Boom adds its own twists to the game.Instead of the birds eye view, you now enjoy a first person view of the action.GameplayDrop bombs to destroy crates or enemiesBlock in your opponents with your bombsStrategically place bombs above or below enemies and hit them from an angle they don't expectExplore the junkyard after you collect the jump buffs2 distinct levels that offer very different experiences (more levels to come)PowerupsExtra bombsMore powerful explosionsRemote controlExtra speedExtra jumpExtra jump strengthOne jump limitLimited jump strengthInvoluntary bomb droppingPlanned powerups, not in the game yetShort fuseJetpackInvulnerabilityTimewarp
早在1983年,Hudson Soft和Konami发布了Bomberman(在欧洲被称为Dynablaster)。隐藏和走向繁荣是对这款经典游戏的现代诠释。不止一次。与朋友一起在分屏或互联网上玩。在迷宫中跑步,投下炸弹摧毁箱子并收集通电。避免被敌人或你自己的愚蠢杀死。在疯狂模式下玩,后者比前者更难。与原始游戏类似,Hide and Go Boom为游戏添加了自己的旋律。取代鸟瞰图,您现在可以享受第一人称视角的动作。游戏拖放炸弹摧毁箱子或敌人用你的炸弹在你的对手中阻塞在敌人的上方或下方有效地放置炸弹,并从他们不期望的角度击中它们当你收集跳跃buffs2后,提供不同的体验(更多层次) PowerupsExtra炸弹更强大的爆炸远程控制超速附加跳跃附加跳跃力量跳跃限制有限跳跃力量自动炸弹降落计划好的通电,不在比赛中但短路保险丝Jetpac安全性时间扭曲