Black Bart

Black Bart

运营商: Parmenion Games
英语 | 乌克兰语 | 俄语
发售日期: 2018年05月29日
An unusual robber, a gentleman, and simply a poet. Reader, how often do you have to watch, let’s say, Western heroes? And how often, reader, you see something in their behaviour that could actually happen in real life... I’m talking about, for example, the will to kill... Hundreds of bullets fired from revolvers, and a bunch of bodies scattered around the town, this is a typical image of a juicy Western movie, fascinating, isn’t it? What, no? Tired of consuming clichés? I think so too... But once upon a time, during the time of gold rush, people were the same, and life was valued no less than today, only conditions were tougher. And once upon a time, there lived a gentleman, no worse than you and me. He valued the life of others no less than his own, he had his own weaknesses and hobbies. And one day, there was an event that made him embark on the path of robbery. But did he become a robber in the usual sense? As you have already guessed, to not make a single shot for nearly a decade of robbery of stagecoaches is the style of our hero. What hard feelings, pride, desire for revenge and profit are worth, and is it worth years of lost time and the opportunity to see relatives only in a dream? Each of us must answer this question himself, as once upon a time Black Bart did. And who knows maybe this person actually existed...Key features:- text quest- a story, that gradually unfolds- mini-games


