A devious vandal known as “Red Panda” has damaged the world's most famous masterpieces -- and only you, the Art Detective, can restore these renowned works to their original state! In this object-hunting adventure, visit museums around the world, follow Red Panda's trail, and help the police capture this notorious criminal.
17173 2016-08-08话说,在休闲游戏当中大哈是非常喜欢“大家来找茬这一类的游戏”的,这一类的游戏不仅能锻炼你的眼力,而且绝对有让人上瘾的潜质,《寻找红熊猫》就是这么一款有趣的寻物游戏,游戏中利用各种油画的破绽让你来找茬,修复名画的工作实在太有挑战性,好玩简直停不下来。