A boy facing all his fears in one night must survive! Thunder and lightning are only his weapons to fight his fears! Ironically, too much of this could also cost him his senses. All the monsters are inspired from his fears while growing up and they have been mutated into something creepy and death inducing!
17173 2016-08-19《黑暗之光:夜晚的鸡皮疙瘩》可以说是开辟了一个新的游戏类型--恐怖无聊解谜类游戏,说它是个解谜类游戏简直是侮辱解谜类游戏,请问有几个解谜类游戏不需要带脑子的。将将及格的分数全给在游戏氛围营造上库擦库擦劈打大雷的游戏设置完全差评。