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2023-11-02 09:34:22作者:煌少天 手机订阅 我要评论()
导读: 堕落之主全成就的达成条件都是什么呢?很多玩家还不太清楚,下面给大家带来的是堕落之主全成就达成条件列表一览,一起来看一看吧。



白金:堕落之主Earn all trophies.获得所有奖杯

铜: AVeil Lifted trophy解开面纱

Die in Axiom for the first time.在阿克西姆第一次死亡

铜: Lost and Found trophy 失而复得

Retrieve vigor lost upon death.取回死亡掉落

银:Weapon Collector trophy武器收藏家Collect all weapons.收集所有武器

银:lronclad trophy铁甲

Collectall armor pieces.收集所有护甲

铜:What Sights Contained-Withinitrophy是什么景象

Collect all UmbralEyes.收集所有眼球(这就是强化影界提灯的那个眼球)

铜: Trinket Collector trophy 饰品收藏家

Collect all rings and pendants.收集所有戒指和护身符

铜:Ammunition Collector trophy弹药收藏家

Collect all ammo types.收集所有弹药种类

铜: Inferno Adept trophy炼狱精通

Collect allInferno spells.收集所有罗伽法术

铜:Radiant Adept trophy光辉精通

铜: Judgement trophy审判

Defeat Judge Cleric the.Radiant Sentinel.击败审判教徒光辉前卫兵

铜Hunt's End trophy猎杀末日

Defeat the Lightreaper.击败光明收割者

铜The KingisDead trophy国王已死

Defeat the Sundered Monarch.击败破碎君主

铜: AHunger Sated trophy满足饥饿

Defeat Elianne the Starved.击败饥饿的艾莉安

铜Fallen trophy堕落

Defeat Adyr, theBereft Exile.击败失落流亡者阿迪尔

铜:NoneShall,beSpared trophy无人生还


铜The Price ofKnowledge trophy智慧的代价

Exacter Dunmire gains the knowledge he seeks.精通者邓米尔获得他所寻求的知识

铜Partof the Divine trophy神的一丝眷顾

Damarose the Marked receives her divinelreward. 被打上印记的达玛罗斯得到了神之赐福

铜2Travels Resumed trophy继续旅行

Sparky is liberated. 斯帕克被解放

铜Moving On trophy继续前进

Byron finds a newpurpose.拜伦找到了新的目标

铜: HeroWorship trophy英雄崇拜

Drustan's faith in his brother remains steadfast.德鲁斯坦兄弟的信念依然坚定

铜: 1 Antana's Legacy trophy安塔纳的遗产

Thevalue ofAndreas of Ebb's friendshipis made clear. 埃布的安德烈亚斯的友情货真价实

铜Faithful trophy忠诚

Stomund, CaptainoftheFidelis is greeted at the Empyrean.菲德尔斯船长斯托蒙德受迎天界

铜: Without Purpose trophy迷失方向

Thehklhirleaves Mournstead.特克伊希尔离开了莫恩斯特德

铜: AQueen'sRest trophy王后沉睡

Sophestabestows afinalfavor.索菲西亚赐予最后的恩惠

铜: TheLastStep trophy最后一步

ThelronWayfarersjourney finallyendss钢铁旅行者路途走向终结

Collect all Radiance spells.收集所有光辉法术

铜:Umbral Adept trophy影界精通

Collect all Umbral spells.收集所有影界法术

铜:Throwable Collector trophy投掷物收藏家Collect all throwables.收集所有投掷物

铜:Gesture Collector trophy姿势收藏家Collect all gestures.收集所有姿势铜:Salvation in Blood trophy鲜血救赎

Fully upgrade the Sanguinarix.满强化血十字(就是类似元素瓶)

铜:Honed in Perfection trophy精益求精

Fully upgrade a weapon.满强化武器

铜: Rune Novice trophy符文新手

Placea rune ina socket for the first time.第一次镶嵌符文

铜: Rune Master trophy符文大师

Fullysocket a 3-rune weapon or a shield.镶嵌满3插槽的武器或者盾牌

铜: Carving Out Victory, trophy,开拓胜利

Fully upgrade the Umbrallamp.满强化影界提灯

铜: Utmost Insight trophy极致洞察力

Fully sockettheUmbral lampwith UmbralEyes.用“眼球”镶嵌满影界提灯

铜: Comrades trophy同志

Beckona co-op partner.招揽合作伙伴

铜: Shared Triumph trophy,共享胜利

Defeat a boss alongside aco op partner.与合作伙伴一起击杀一个boss

三铜Vengeancefor the Fallen trophy为者复仇

Avengeafallenlampbearer 为一位死亡的持灯人复仇(就是联机玩法的复仇系统)

铜: No Mercy trophy冷血无情

Defeat another player in PVP.在PVP中击杀一 名玩家

铜: Radiant Offerings trophy光辉祭品

Donatea total of 10 Pilfered.Coins.献祭10个被盗硬币

铜: Infernal Offerings trophy炼狱祭品

Donate a total of10 Severed Hands.献祭10个截断的手

铜Umbral Offerings trophy暗影祭品

Donate a total of 10 Plucked Eyeballs.献祭10个剥离眼球

铜: Shades of Violence trophy暴力之色

Apply a tinct toapiece of gear.给一个装备涂上涂装

铜Riseand Fall trophy兴与衰

Defeat Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal.击败皮耶塔

铜Together in Death trophy一同赴死

Defeat the Congregator of Flesh.击败血肉聚合者

铜: Bunying thePast trophy埋葬过去

Defeatthe HushedSaint击败沉默贤者

?铜: Unwanted trophy事与愿违

Defeat the Spurned Progeny击败被遗弃的子嗣

铜Unbroken to the End trophy永恒不灭

Defeatthe UnbrokenPromise.击败不可磨灭的誓言

铜: Wings ofGrief trophy悲伤之翼


铜: TwinFaces of Sin trophy罪恶双面人

DefeatReinholdthe Immured.击败被囚禁者莱因霍尔德

铜: Vengeful Reflection trophy复仇的反思

An Umbral imprint of lsaac faces the Lightreaper.用以撒的影界印记面对光明收割者

银: Lord of the Risen trophy希望重生之王

Reach the Adyr ending.达成阿迪尔结局

银: In Light we Walk trophy愿吾辈行于光明

Reach the Radiant ending.达成光辉结局

银Backto the Void trophy回归虚无

ReachtheUmballending. 达成暗影结局

铜A Shadow Dispelled trophy驱散暗影

Defeat the Scarlet Shadow.击败猩红之影

铜: Essence of.Death trophy死之精髓

Defeat an enemy with an Umbral finisher.用暗影终结击杀一个敌人

铜Thriving in Darkness trophy暗中成长

Use a Vesting Seed.使用幼苗遗骸

银Seasoned trophy经验丰富

Reach Level 100.达到100级

银: Wayfarer trophy旅人

Visit all of theareas in the game.到访游戏所有的区域

银:ThelPast Shapes the Present trophy虚无过去塑造现在

offer Molhu the Bowl of Revelations.向摩尔胡献上启示之碗

,铜Lingering Moments trophy挥之不去的过去

View all Umbral stigmas.看完所有的影界追忆

铜: ARest Amongthe Deadtrophy死者安息

ReachtheSkyrest Bridge interior.到达天空之桥

铜: ATrace ofVenomtrophy一丝毒液

Kukajin concludes her business in Mournstead库卡金结束了她在莫恩斯特德的工作




