《流氓瓦斯亚(Hooligan Vasja)》是一款非常好玩的动作休闲游戏,在游戏中玩家需要控制流氓瓦斯亚,你的目标就是让他到达楼顶,但这并不容易,一路上会遇到很多障碍,小猫小狗会跳下来打你,大叔大妈会打开窗户向你丢炸弹,你需要机智的躲避或者用弹弓和炸弹干掉他们,然后打败楼顶的boss,你就顺利过关了。
游戏制作:Trident Game Studio游戏发行:Trident Game Studio上市时间:2016-08-22
Hooligan Vasja that is a colorful and entertaining time killer.Your goal is to reach the roof, fighting with different opponents. There is a powerful boss just under the roof. Be careful, the obstacles are extremely dangerous but you can knock them down. The first level is easy but the following ones are progressively more difficult. The opponents become faster and meaner. Your weapon is a sturdy slingshot and firecrackers. Protect your friends who are helping you.FeaturesOnline Leaderboard, various achievements and collection cards will warm up your gaming experience.VasjaVasja is a hooligan. He is always up for some mischief.MashaGrammy Masha is a kind person but likes to spread gossip.StepanGramp Stepan is very grumpy and always displeased.SvetlanaSvetlana is a blonde girl neighbor who just loves herself.SlavikSlavik dreams of becoming a chef. A big foodie.ClownThe clown loves his job but hates children.