Luckless Seven is the story of Mark Vesco’s coming of age. Once an inspired youngster, Mark finds himself living a listless, dutiful existence just two years out of high school. When a group of old friends contacts Mark about reuniting with them, the stars align to allow him to join his old friends in a nationwide competitive tournament.Take control of Mark as he and six friends set out to compete in Arithia’s most popular game, Ekosi. This fast and fun card game is inspired by KOTOR’s Pazaak, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. With a little experience, money, and luck, take Mark from a modest amateur to an Ekosi champion!Which card to play won’t be the only difficult choice for Mark, though. Along his journey, Mark will have to make several decisions that will challenge him morally, ethically, and socially. More than just a card game, Luckless Seven invites you to take control of the whole person. Who will Mark be on his quest for glory?A story-rich experience that uses choice to explore identity formation and social relationships.An intuitive, straight-forward quest structure that offers a wealth of enriching sidequests for the player to discover.Exciting, strategic gameplay in a fast-paced card battle system inspired by Pazaak.Customize your deck! Visit card shops to turn match victories into new cards as you upgrade your deck.Complex dialogue trees that allow you to control the direction of dialogues both serious and playful.An immersive 3D world - explore a diverse set of isometric environments, both in urban and natural settingsOriginal Soundtrack full of energetic battle music and ambient world music.不幸的是Mark Vesco的故事,七时代的到来。马克曾经是一个受启发的年轻人,他刚刚从高中毕业两年后就发现自己过着无精打采、尽职尽责的生活。当一群老朋友重逢与他们接触的标志,星星对齐允许他加入他的老朋友在一个全国性的竞技比赛。控制标记为他和六个朋友去参加arithia最受欢迎的游戏,Ekosi。这种快速和有趣的纸牌游戏,是由科托尔的pazaak,和不能再冒更大的风险。有一点经验,钱,和运气,从一个温和的业余带马克去一个ekosi冠军!哪张牌不是马克唯一的困难选择,尽管。在他的旅程中,马克将不得不做出一些决定,在道义上、道德上和社会上向他提出挑战。不仅仅是一个游戏,名七请你把整个人控制。谁在追求荣耀?一个故事的丰富经验,采用选择探讨身份认同的形成和社会关系,直观、直接的任务结构,玩家发现提供了丰富的丰富支线任务。令人兴奋的,在一个快节奏的卡牌战斗系统的启发pazaak战略游戏自定义您的甲板上!名片店把比赛胜利为新卡为您升级您的甲板。复杂的对话树,允许你控制对话既严肃又俏皮的方向。身临其境的3D世界,探索不同的等距的环境,无论是在城市和自然settingsoriginal配乐精力充沛的战斗音乐和周围的世界音乐。