INFRA让你进入一个普通的结构分析师的靴子 - 只不过是一个桌面骑师分配调查一些常规的结构损坏。 很快,你们的使命就从一个平凡的跋涉变成一场为了生存而战的斗争,都是由过去根深蒂固的计划造成的。 你的工具很简单:脖子上的照相机和机智的虚拟迷宫。 你如何讲述你的故事是你的选择,你有承诺完成自己的责任,还是你会忽略其他一切,但保存自己的生活?
INFRA is what we like to call a gun-free puzzle adventure. Instead of large explosions and powerful guns, you will rely on your cunning to survive puzzles in an incredibly detailed world. As you travel through the infrastructure of a city you will find that your actions and thorough observations ultimately determine if others will survive. A society obsessed with upgradation has brought a disaster upon itself and it is your job to help restore it.