Culpa Innata

Culpa Innata

运营商: Strategy First
发售日期: 2008年01月18日
世界联盟被称为“完美社会”。 繁荣是一门科学,疾病和战争已经消失,性就是娱乐,未来从未看起来更加光明。 突然之间,这个完美的社会被俄罗斯“流氓国家”的世界联盟公民的谋杀所震撼。 他的谋杀奇怪地与世界联盟和俄罗斯之间重要的边界城镇阿德里诺波利斯(Adrianopolis)的一位杰出的教授意外死亡。 这个职业制作案件被分配给一名年轻女子,凤凰城瓦利斯作为高级和平与安全参谋人员已经被指派到领导谋杀案的调查。 她对真相的探索导致了神秘的线索,深化了不仅对她的案件提出质疑的奥秘,而且对她已经发誓要保护的世界充满信心。 This story-driven, third-person game uses a 3D engine with dynamic cameras and other technologies developed by Momentum AS. Their remarkable patented facial animation technology is put to excellent use, as the game features over fifty personable characters that you'll frequently engage in dialogue throughout your investigation. Using the classic mouse in a point and click interface, players have responded enthusiastically to the intuitive and responsive control. The game features a wide variety of organic obstacles ranging from logic puzzles to hi-tech gadget manipulation to dialogue and inventory challenges. Original, complex story with a detailed history in a fully realized game world Environments and characters rendered in 3D with dynamic camera implementation Cinematics rendered with in-game engine for seamless graphics integration Click and go character control; user friendly mouse-driven interface Over 50 interactive characters, each created with Momentum-patented 3D facial animation technology Intuitive dialogue system with player choice and branching conversation paths Non-linearity and optional player activities offer rewarding replay ability Character journal captures all key game moments More than 40 unique locations Diverse range of integrated challenges, from standalone logic puzzles to hi-tech gadgetry to inventory and dialogue obstacles Original soundtrack


