The ruthless Shivans emerged through subspace near Earth, harboring technology light years ahead of anything seen before. They made no attempt to communicate. They did not respond to your heralds. They simply attacked and destroyed everything in their path.
The ruthless Shivans emerged through subspace near Earth, harboring technology light years ahead of anything seen before. They made no attempt to communicate. They did not respond to your heralds. They simply attacked and destroyed everything in their path.
无情的希瓦人通过地球附近的子空间出现,比任何以前看到的东西都拥有技术光年。 他们没有尝试沟通。 他们没有回应你的先驱。 他们只是袭击并摧毁了他们路上的一切。
作为银河人族联盟的飞行员,你对战争并不陌生。 然而,当您第一次穿越太空以吸引新敌人时,您会感受到不同的感受。 突然黑暗笼罩着你的飞船。 当你的眼睛在Shivan旗舰的巨大身体上平移时,你的胃就会沉没。 然后开始。 成群的战士从旗舰的肚子里涌出,向你尖叫。 你即将发现你所知道的关于太空作战,混战风格的一切 - 只是改变了。