Adliberum引擎是一款文本驱动的沙盒角色扮演引擎,提供单人,多人或合作经验。 完成世界编辑命令; 创建世界,游戏和谜题,您可以实时分享或与其他人分享。 ADLENGINE具有易于使用的脚本语言,只需通过描述就可以构建任何您可以想象的东西; 提供游戏自由和自由创造。
It's like Minecraft, but with text!
Create rooms, set events, build objects and more.. Paying homage to the classic text adventure and to Multi-User Dungeons of old; dust off that keyboard and get ready to build, take, drop, unlock, open, close, use, eat, drink, push, pull (and much more) once again, all with the added third dimension of multiplayer!