由Panzer精英行动的创造者:Stormregion; 这个实时战略标题将再次带您进入第二次世界大战的欧洲战场。 1944-1945:在德国首都柏林举行的比赛中,你掌握了美国,英国,法国和苏联红军的力量。 我们目睹了第三帝国的最终彻底失败和欧洲战区的战争结束。 随着球员接近柏林,他面临越来越困难的挑战,祖国的防守者变得越来越多和绝望。 在德国战役中,你在另一个现实中挑战侵略者。 如果德国工程的未来派原型已经达到大规模生产呢? 再一次,你可以期待一个无与伦比的光学丰富的战略游戏,将始终专注于有趣和有趣的游戏。 战术战争 - 游戏充满新想法!
The latest real-time strategy hit by the creators of Panzers: Stormregion
Groundbreaking war-gaming thanks to innovative gameplay and fresh ideas
Western Allies and the Red Army race each other in the Rush for Berlin '44-'45
In an alternate reality, the Germans counter-attack with their prototypes
The new Gepard Engine delivers foto-realistic and sophisticated graphical opulence
More than 100 different units, including numerous prototypes
Storyline and graphics provide entertainment and atmosphere, mirroring the greatest war movies
The Officers represent special units with heroic individual powers
The detailed damage model of the vehicles requires tactically sound movements
Soldiers can occupy vehicles and buildings and fight inside houses
Factories produce supplies, including "camouflage tanks" for misguiding the enemy's airborne reconnaissance
Day and night as well as the weather influence the game action
Challenging new AI that reacts aggressively to player actions