

运营商: Nylund Games
发售日期: 2017年01月05日
把一个空的小岛变成一个古怪的生态系统。 精神是一个简单而随意的生态系统游戏,你从一个空的岛屿开始。 随着时间的推移,新的随机居民将在您的岛屿上寻找避难所,无论是动物,植物还是其他元素。 你有能力摧毁他们,或者让他们在你的世界中获得特赦。 当你从各种物种中获取和获取能量时,它们会茁壮成长或枯萎。 但要注意保持生物,植物和矿物质的平衡,否则脆弱的世界很快就会崩溃。 Adventure Mode: Play trough 9 missions, and unlock new creatures, plants and minerals for the Free Mode. Key Features: * Give animals/plants/minerals energy, and their species will multiply and reproduce more over time * Take energy from animals/plants/minerals and their species will die and/or stop reproducing * New animals/plants/minerals occasionally appear near your island, and can be incorporated into your ecosystem * Animals have different diets, and need food to survive * Land randomly grows over time, creating and expanding islands * Day/night, random weather and disasters that affect spawning and animal behaviors * Adventure Mode gives short challenges, and unlocks new creatures, plants and minerals * Free Mode lets you choose what objects to start with, from creatures, plants and minerals unlocked * Animal poop The Food Chain At the heart of Spirit is the food chain, which you must carefully balance. An example island may start off as a simple landmass with bushes and a few birds. The Spirit can energize and grow the objects you desire, and the game world learns and evolves from your actions. Creating more bushes and energizing them will grow more berries, which again supports more birds. Energizing- and allowing the birds to multiply will create a colorful display, but tipping the balance too much will leave all the bushes picked dry, and eventually the birds starving. As new inhabitants seek amnesty on your islands, you have to make tough decisions as to i.e. what kind of carnivore population your handful of birds can sustain, or if you have to seek out alternate food sources or more space first. The objective in Free Mode is simply to create a thriving island, which under your guidance can become huge and vibrant, while left untended will soon wither and become an empty lump of land. In Adventure Mode, each mission has a more specific objective, with unique wacky experiences.


