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在10年的发动机不断发展的基础上,ARMA II拥有世界上最现实的战斗环境。它模拟真实世界的弹道学和安培;圆偏转,材料渗透,特点是一个实时的昼/夜周期和动态风,天气和环境影响。模拟战斗环境是非常有效的,引擎为世界上真正的军队使用的训练模拟器奠定了基础。虽然ARMA II是设定在虚构的前苏联的“Chernarus”,游戏世界实际上是一个225平方公里的现实世界!ARMA II的高度详细的景观是一个细致的真实地形的复制品,使用广泛的地理数据建模。这个重建的区域被赋予了壮观的环境效应,并充满了生机勃勃的平民居住区和野生动物。野生动物在森林中游荡,而Chernarus的居民则试图在饱受战争摧残的街道上生活。第27届美国海军陆战队远征部队已被部署到前苏联的Chernarus国家,这是一系列获奖的PC战争模拟器,来自波西米亚的互动,行动的创始者:冷战危机和ARMA:作战行动。力侦察队“剃须刀”最早战斗。这支精英五人队即将落入兔子洞,被困在一场不仅是为了控制国家的战争中,更是为了人民的心灵和思想。随着美国*会(USMC)的力量和俄罗斯人急切地注视着*,这一利害关系再大不过了。Chernarus的命运在刀刃上平衡……关键是玩家驱动的故事-指挥你的部队通过一个充满曲折和惊喜的分支战役。令人激动的现实主义——探索225平方公里高度详细的景观,以真实世界的地理数据为模型,掌握81种武器和120多种车辆。真实模拟-游戏模拟了弹道学、材料渗透、弹药类型和阻止能力对天气状况的各种战斗和环境影响。广泛的多人游戏-在合作模式下执行战役任务或在大型多人对战中加入多达50人的战斗任务。先进的人工智能-竞争最终的下一代人工智能:没有脚本,没有预定义的路径。所有单位对实际比赛情况作出反应。任务编辑-设计你自己的任务由直观,易于使用的任务编辑器,成为一个最大和最有创意的个人电脑游戏社区的一部分。欺骗保护-可选的反欺骗战场(http://www.battleye.com),以帮助保护专用服务器。此外,为游戏专用的服务器软件添加“RCON”(远程控制)。专用服务器——支持流畅的多玩家体验,有“专用服务器软件”可用于Windows(包括游戏)和Linux(从游戏网站下载)。 发行日期: 2009年6月30日 开发商: Bohemia Interactive 发行商: Bohemia Interactive Building on 10 years of constant engine development, ARMA II boasts the most realistic combat environment in the world. It models real world ballistics & round deflection, materials penetration, features a realtime day/night cycle and dynamic wind, weather and environmental effects. The simulation of a combat environment is so effective, the engine forms the basis for training simulators used by real armies the world over. Although ARMA II is set in the fictional ex-soviet state of 'Chernarus' the gameworld is actually a 225 square kilometer chunk of the real world! ARMA II's highly detailed landscape is a meticulous facsimile of real terrain, modeled using extensive geographical data. This recreated region is brought to life with spectacular environmental effects and populated with dynamic civilian settlements and wildlife. Wild animals roam the atmospheric forests while the people of Chernarus try to live out their lives among the war-torn streets. The 27th U.S. Marine Expeditionary Unit have been deployed to the former soviet country of Chernarus in this third installment in the series of award winning PC war simulators from Bohemia Interactive, creators of Operation Flashpoint*: Cold War Crisis and ARMA: Combat Operations. Force Reconnaissance Team “Razor” are among the first to fight. This elite five-man team are about to fall down the rabbit hole, trapped in a war not only for control of the country, but the hearts and minds of its people. With the might of the USMC offshore and the Russians anxiously watching from the north, the stakes couldn't be higher. The fate of Chernarus is balanced on a razor's edge... Key Features PLAYER-DRIVEN STORY - Command your troops through a branching campaign full of twists and surprises.THRILLING REALISM - Explore the 225 square kilometer of highly detailed landscape, modelled using real-world geographical data and master each of 81 weapons and 120+ vehicles.AUTHENTIC SIMULATION - Game simulates various aspects of combat and evironment effects from bullet ballistics, material penetration, ammunition types and stopping power to weather conditions.EXTENSIVE MULTIPLAYER - Play the campaign missions in cooperative mode or join duty in the massive multiplayer battles with up to 50 players.ADVANCED AI - Compete the ultimate next-gen AI: no scripts, no predefined pathways. All units react on actual game situation.MISSION EDITOR - Design your own missions by the intuitive, easy-to-use mission editor and become part of one of the biggest and most creative PC gaming community ever.CHEAT PROTECTION - Optional anti-cheat BattlEye (http://www.battleye.com) available to help secure dedicated servers. In addition BE adds 'RCON' (remote control) for game's dedicated server software.DEDICATED SERVER - To support smooth multi-player experience there is 'dedicated server software' available for Windows (included with game) and Linux (download-able from game's website).



