
Cranium Conundrum

运营商: Sometimes You
发售日期: 2016年09月23日
游戏介绍 颅骨难题(Cranium Conundrum)是一款非常经典而且有趣的动作类冒险闯关游戏,整个故事情节全部发生在主角的梦中,游戏里拥有着超多繁杂的关卡,既考验玩家的操作也考验一定的思维方式。游戏最大的特色就是可以自己创造关卡,并且邀请你的朋友来一起闯关,玩法非常有趣,适合多人合作。 游戏介绍 该作品是一个极其考验玩家大脑思维的益智类解谜闯关游戏,拥有着单人闯关模式以及多人合作模式,其中不同的难度所要求的也不一样,而且独特的地图编辑器可以让你自己来制作关卡,你和你的朋友可以来一起挑战,不但能体验到快乐而且还有着满满的成就感。 发行日期: 2016年9月24日 开发商: Falling Star Games 发行商: Sometimes You Cranium Conundrum is a physics-based puzzle platformer taking place in the dream worlds that you create!Current Features:An Extensive Level Editor with many gameplay features and physics-enabled blocks/materialsAn (Early) Save/Load so you can show off your currently in-progress levels to your friends to play and enjoy or for you to finish creating at a later date.An (Early) multiplayer enabled in the level editor for you to create and collaborate level creation with up to 8 players!Player customization including changing character skin color (and upcoming clothings options such as head-wear and different shirts and pants)Logic System that allows you to enable certain events and items based on triggers you place in your level!Planned Features:Publishing finished levels so user don't have access to the level editor content and can only play in the play mode.A central hub to upload your published levels filled with screenshots, comments, and ratings for you to share your awesome creative levels!Fully realized multiplayer with different level types for multiplayer-centric levels such as Capture The Flag, Deathmatch, and Races.A story mode where you will play through to get the backstory of the Glia and they're purpose for creating dream worlds. It will include collectibles that you will use to either customize your player or to create in your levels.Thank you!


