Have you ever been playing a game and wondered, "Why can't I fly!?" or "I wish I could customize my spaceship!"? META STAR IS THE ANSWER! Race the rest of the internet to beat the game, and the winners get to tell the developers what to include in the next update! And oh yea, it's FREE (for a limited time)!Gameplay Meta Star will be an epic sci-fi Action-RPG focused on player choice, but currently it is a visceral single arena shooter. You take control of a mysterious figure on a mysterious mission, and are striving to discover what this "Meta Star" nonsense is all about. Take out aliens with your Energy Rifle, and make choices that can drastically change the way the game is played. The storyline changes after each update, so you'll need to continue to play to discover all of the Meta Star's mysteries.Perhaps more importantly, with each update new features are added and the storyline changes, but the ideas for those features come directly from the players! Who knows what Meta Star will become in the future! Do you want more customization? Character choices? Achievements? Lasers? Hats? Or something more fundamental, like a mini-game, options screen update, or cameo? Even something off the wall, like a space plant simulator or a mythical pet rock? The question to our community is, what amazing things can you think of?!Feature Requests The first person to beat Meta Star during each release cycle requests one "Feature" to be included in the next release. Additionally, all those that complete the game, but are not first, will be entered into a drawing. The winner of the drawing will also describe a "Feature" to be used in the next release.Smaller "tweaks" will be awarded to members of the community based on finding bugs, providing art/music, and any other acts of kindness! Stay tuned to the forum and the announcement section for how to participate!Meta Trophy In addition to Meta Star, players are able to access the entirety of Meta Trophy from within the game! Meta Trophy was an early attempt at using the Feature Request system against a static fantasy RPG, and will give you a taste of the types of quick changes that can evolve in a game of this kind.Early Roadmap In addition to the requests being implemented based on player submissions, developer-led updates will also be included within Meta Star each release cycle. Our early plans for the first few releases include general polish, cut-scene skipping abilities, a new weapon, and of course story updates. Also, we will strive to make each release unique, both from a story perspective and from a "how to beat the game" perspective!One final note: The developers hold the rights to change any of the above rules or processes at any time. However, one thing that will not change is our commitment to the community. The basis of the game will always stay the same. We will continue to iterate the game based on the community’s input. And we will keep lines of communication open with the community.Please look towards the announcements and forum for more details about our future plans.
你有没有玩过一个游戏,想知道“为什么我不能飞呢?”或者“我希望我能定制我的宇宙飞船!”META STAR就是答案!在其他的互联网上击败游戏,获胜者将告诉开发者在下次更新中包括哪些内容!哦,是的,它是免费的(在有限的时间内)!Gameplay Meta之星将是一部史诗科幻动作rpg,专注于玩家的选择,但目前它是一个单一的竞技场射击者。你在神秘的任务中控制了一个神秘的人物,并努力去发现这个“元星群”是什么。无稽之谈。用你的能量来复枪干掉外星人,做出可以彻底改变游戏玩法的选择。每次更新后,故事情节都会发生变化,所以你需要继续玩,才能发现所有的梅塔星的秘密。也许更重要的是,随着每个更新的新功能的加入和故事情节的改变,但是这些功能的想法直接来自于玩家!谁知道将来会变成什么?你想要更多的定制吗?角色的选择?成就吗?激光吗?帽子吗?或者是更基础的东西,比如迷你游戏,选项屏幕更新,还是客串?甚至是墙上的东西,比如太空植物模拟器或者神秘的宠物岩?我们社区的问题是,你能想到什么令人惊奇的事情?!特性要求第一个在每个发布周期中击败元星型的人请求一个“特征”;将被包含在下一个版本中。此外,所有那些完成游戏,但不是第一的,将会进入一个图画。这幅画的获胜者还将描述一个“特征”。在下一个版本中使用。小“tweaks"将会根据发现错误,提供艺术/音乐,以及任何其他的善行来奖励社区成员!请继续关注论坛和公告部分,了解如何参与!除了梅塔星之外,玩家还可以从游戏中获得全部的元奖杯!Meta Trophy是一个早期尝试使用功能请求系统来对抗静态的梦幻RPG,并且将会让你体验在这种游戏中可以进化的快速变化的类型。早期的路线图除了基于玩家提交的请求,开发者主导的更新也将包含在元星号每个发布周期内。我们最初几次发布的计划包括:一般的波兰语,剪切场景的跳跃能力,一种新的武器,当然还有故事的更新。同时,我们将努力使每个版本都与众不同,从故事的角度,从“如何打败游戏”。角度!最后注意事项:开发人员有权随时更改上述规则或流程中的任何一个。然而,有一件事不会改变,那就是我们对社会的承诺。游戏的基础将始终保持不变。我们将继续基于社区的输入迭代游戏。我们将与社区保持沟通。请查看公告和论坛,了解更多关于我们未来计划的细节。