It’s not just another typical runner you've got used to play. Control the environment, not the character! Help the King to run away from the crowd, which is mad and is following him to catch and punish for all years of terrible ruling, hard drinking and grabbing. But is it really the King to blame? Or maybe he is just the victim of someone's cruel and unfair game? Let's help the King to run away, avoiding obstacles, and find the truth! Immerse into the hardcore challenging levels, addictive storyline, two modes: campaign, that allows you to progress through all the levels and survival, where you can compete with your friends on the longest pass! Get ready to tickle your nerves!The game includes:1 season - 100 levels;2 season - 120 levels;3 Survival mode.Keep in mind, each level has more and more traps, and their combinations becomes more and more interesting. Also we built-in very funny and interesting achieves. Try to collect them all!Do you want to feel like a game designer? Now you have the opportunity to do it!Create levels yourself and share them with your friends!Just download the editor from the link below and start creating! (You can immortalize your name among the developers, because the best levels will participate in the contest for getting into the game) will constantly update the editor with various settings and new mechanics in order not to limit your imagination! Good luck!How to create your own level:1 download the editor by link2 open the editor and create a level3 save the level4 to open the level in the game, put the file with a level in the folder C:\Users\[CURRENT USER]\Documents\KingLevels
这不仅是你已经习惯的另一个典型的运动员。控制环境,而不是角色!帮助国王逃离人群,这是疯狂的,并且正在跟踪他追赶和惩罚多年的可怕统治,酗酒和抢劫。但这真的是国王的责任吗?或者,也许他只是某个人的残酷和不公平的游戏的受害者?让我们帮助国王逃跑,避开障碍,找到真相!沉浸在铁杆挑战关卡,令人上瘾的故事情节,两种模式:活动,让你在各个层次和生存中取得进步,在那里你可以在最长的传球中与你的朋友竞争!准备痒痒你的神经!游戏包括:1个赛季 - 100个关卡; 2个赛季 - 120个关卡; 3个生存模式。请记住,每个关卡都有越来越多的陷阱,他们的组合变得越来越有趣。此外,我们内置了非常有趣和有趣的成就。尽量收集它们!你想感觉像一个游戏设计师吗?现在你有机会做到了!自己创建关卡并与朋友分享!只需从下面的链接下载编辑器并开始创建! (你可以在开发者中永存你的名字,因为最好的关卡会参加比赛以进入游戏)我们将不断更新编辑器的各种设置和新机制,以便不会限制你的想象力!祝你好运!如何创建你自己的关卡:1通过link2下载编辑器打开编辑器并创建一个level3保存level4打开游戏中的关卡,将文件放在文件夹C:\ Users \ [CURRENT USER] \文件\ KingLevels