To commemorate Kou Shibusawa's 35th anniversary, the "Kou Shibusawa Archives" will be opened in the Steam Store. Here we will revive popular previously released titles.In this eleventh round of releases, we offer "NOBUNAGA’S AMBITION: Tenkasousei with Power Up Kit," the enhanced version of the 11th release in the series.Lord of Creation or King of Destruction...Administration and battle depicted in full 3D for the first time in the series. Administration covers both the castle and the town and players are able to develop these as they see fit. Battle incorporates a 3D real time tactical system, allowing players to enjoy field and castle battles on battlefields with a variety of characteristics. Also, with "historical if events" the game will develop in dramatic ways. Major battles between powerful warlords will greatly affect the course of history. With the power up kit, 3 original scenarios, a battle editor, a battle trial mode, and an officer/treasure/territory editor have been added.Note: DLC is not supported for this product. 为纪念口石川的三十五周年,“口石巴川档案”;将在蒸汽商店开。在此,我们将重提先前流行的标题。在这第11轮的发行中,我们提供了“NOBUNAGA的抱负:Tenkasousei with Power Up Kit”。本系列第11版的增强版。创造之王或毁灭之王…第一次在全3D中描述的管理和战斗。行政管理包括城堡和城镇,玩家可以按照他们认为合适的方式开发。战斗结合了一个3D实时战术系统,允许玩家在战场上享受战场和城堡战斗的各种特征。此外,还有“历史性的事件”;游戏将以戏剧性的方式发展。强大的军阀之间的重大战争将极大地影响历史进程。启动设备,3原始场景,战役编辑器,一场审判模式,和一个军官/宝贝/区域编辑器添加了。注意:此产品不支持DLC。