An ancient legend, a cursed castle surrounded by brambles, a forest inhabited by funny enchanted creatures and a sweet princess sleeping in it. And, obviously, a fearless prince! This is what Little Briar Rose is made out of. In this particular stained glass-styled graphic adventure the player will help a whole dynasty of princes complete their quest. Be careful though, many will try, but only one shall prevail!
17173 2016-12-13《玫瑰小姐》是一个架构在经典童话故事《睡美人》之上的一个解密类游戏,中间穿插了大量其他的童话故事作为情节关卡出现例如非常经典的《白雪公主》七个小矮人,和《人鱼公主》中的人鱼,《爱丽丝漫游仙境》中的蘑菇,通过各种线索连接串成一个故事,解开公主的魔咒。总之,这是一个你想要的故事我都有的游戏,不解密,那就读读故事吧,忘了说,读的懂读不懂是另一回事儿了。