Maze oneline is a game in which you try to escape a maze along with other online users. Who will be the first to escape it?[Game features]>real-time competition game>Select your own character with one and only skillset>Compare your time with people around the world>Avoid different obstacles and find one way>Level up systemPlease email your inquiries
17173 2017-01-11说起迷宫最早能够追溯到公元前1600年,阴森而弯曲的道路总是不断的激发人类探索的欲望,然而在迷宫的深处总是潜藏着一些未知的危险。今天为大家带来的《迷宫大作战》就是一款以迷宫作为核心玩法的手游作品,其延续了该公司的另一款作品《躲猫猫大作战》的画面风格,虽然没有阴森恐怖的场景设计,但是迷宫中随机出现的各种陷阱机关依然会让人感到猝不及防。下面不妨让我们进入游戏之中看看吧。