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《Stay Out of the House》官网是什么?官网地址介绍

2024-01-18 13:50:22作者:新游 手机订阅 我要评论()

Stay Out of the House官网是什么?


Stay Out of the House官网请点击>>>传送门


Stay Out of the House is stealth based, VHS style slasher horror. With low poly visuals authentic to the PS1 era, this is the game your 90's self always wanted!

The smack of a hammer... your head lands hard on the dirty linoleum floor... a maniac drags you up the stairs and cages you like an animal! You have three days until the reckoning...

Welcome to the home of THE BUTCHER. Welcome to YOUR new home. Why are you here? Why has this mad man chosen you, and what are his plans for you? How will you escape? Can you even escape? All of these questions have answers, but can you seek them out? Do you want to? If only you’d heeded their warning to STAY OUT OF THE HOUSE.

Avoid THE BUTCHER'S cruel hammer or wind up right back in your CAGE! And you only have so much time left to escape...
Stay quiet and stay out of sight. He can hear you, and he IS listening.
Avoid his traps as you explore; he’s not about to let his newest houseguest leave so soon.
There are plenty of unique tools and items around them house to aid in your escape. You’ll need your wits to find the best path out.
Temper his SICK LUST FOR BLOOD with your .38 caliber revolver (if you can find it!)
Search for clues as you explore if you truly want answers. Perhaps you’ll find more than you bargained for…






